Denise Bosque

“What Women (and men) Want?”

Cartoon What Women WantWe all know that men and women are ‘wired’ differently, but did you know that it’s not just the neural networks at play it’s also our hormones (both men and women’s) that play a huge part in both sexes not understanding each other, sometimes to the point of having to end a relationship because don’t know how each other ‘work’!

Denise’s experience in couples therapy and communication can give you a big insight on how to have more harmonious relationships and feel so much better, understood, valued and happier! Whether you are in a relationship or not, this talk will help you understand the opposite sex in any context and therefore understand and communicate better with each other. During this event you will discover…

Duration: 1 hour

If you’d like Denise to present this event please get in touch.

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