Tag Archives: OCD

Anxiety & Recovery

Anxiety condition and its physiological effects have been conditioned over years, so that feeling of fear has become a habit stored in the sub conscious mind. It becomes a habit in your daily life activated by all sorts of triggers. The body has been ‘re-set’ at a higher level of anxiety.
However, all that can stop and be re-conditioned with The Linden Method.

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“Not only my OCD is under control but my quality of life genuinely improved in all areas”

OCD Handwash

“When Denise and I first spoke I was at a particularly low ebb. I had become resigned to the fact that my problem was a burden I would carry for the rest of my life. I had tried various therapists over a 15 year period without any success. I was slightly skeptical when I attended my first session but Denise was empathetic and patient, and the hypnosis therapy itself was a total revelation. In only 6 sessions she not only got my OCD under control but genuinely improved my quality of life in all areas.”

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