Category Archives: Case Studies

Just when you think it’s not going to work… (BSCH)

Scale showing HELP!

Spring is that time of year when people look at their bodies and think it’s time to reduce some weight now! Just before Easter I had just such a client, let’s call her Ann. Ann was at least 3 stone overweight and decided enough is enough and came to see me… However, one of the friends rang me and asked if I could see all 3 of them on the same day one after the other. I was reluctant.

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When your partner loses it, should you blame their Amygdala?


Over the years, I find myself explaining more and more just how the brain works. I do it because it can really help clients when they are ‘doing’ or ‘receiving’ unwanted behaviour. For instance, the Amygdala, can hijack your reasoning faculties to the point of losing a job or ruining a relationship, which was happening to a client I had recently, let’s call him John.

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